“Healthist” Practitioner and CEO
By the age of 14 Sandi was immersed in a yogic practice and became a Vegan at 15 years of age.
At 21, Sandi studied with world renowned whole foods nutritionist, Paul Pitchford. While working with Paul, she studied at the Heartwood Institute in Northern California where she first became certified in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Whole Foods Nutrition and Zen Shiatsu Bodywork.
After her training, Sandi participated in a 2 year immersion experience on the Island of Kauai, Hawaii in the practice of Buddhism, Asian healing arts and meditation practices that she has incorporated into her own style of teaching and healing.
Sandi went on to study Jivanmukti Yoga in Newport, RI at Soma Yoga. She later studied at 7 Centers in Sedona, AZ with a focus on the Bihar School of Yoga style.
Sandi is a published author with more books on wellness, holistic healing, and spirituality in the works.
Today, Sandi is the visionary that dreamed of and created the Waves Wellness Center, where people come for support in healing mind, body and soul.
My Mother's best-friend discovers that I am doing yoga and meditation on my own at 14 years old. She asked me where I had learned yoga to which I replied, "what is yoga"?
She proceeded to bring me books on Yoga, Meditation, and Eastern philosophies until I moved out at 19 years old. At the age of 15, I became a Vegan and was teaching my mother and her friend’s Yoga to address their hormonal imbalances and weight issues. My mother’s best friend Donna had studied Yoga in California in the '60s and imparted her wisdom about Yoga and Meditation to me. (She saved my life).
During my teen years I dove into my studies on meditation, yoga, nutrition, herbalism and Ayurveda. At the time, the internet was dial-up and held little information. I ordered documentaries on VHS tapes, scoured libraries and interrogated anyone with any knowledge on these subjects. When most kids were out with friends on the weekend I was at herbal and nutritional stores reading all the books that I could not afford and asking loads of questions of the owners and employees. My mother would drop me off so I could spend hours in a holistic store educating myself. My Best friend’s mother from my middle/high school years was a Yogi from the 60’s who had an amazing library and would provide books and material till my heart would explode. She was happy to sip tea and explain the science of yoga or the stories on the Gods and Goddesses.
I studied and researched the habits and practices of Yogis and Gurus, Buddhist and the history of their cultures. At one point, I had hand drawn a map of the world linking the world's religious history showing how Christianity appropriated all of its practices and beliefs (that, of course, they altered) and brought them back to their own countries. i.e., Mala Beads = Rosary, the robes and attire of gold and the rich reds and purples, etc. All this was stolen from the cultures they visited and invaded along the Spice route or during trade. My in-depth research and obsession with Yoga, Meditation and the history of the East caused my mother great concern. When I began chanting mantras and sitting in meditation she became convinced I was going to join a cult. This made me laugh.
The world's eating habits also concerned me deeply and I was on my way to becoming a Vegan. However, I had additional personal motivation. I had digestive issues (I was allergic to everything from the day I was born) and could not eat the foods my family ate. This fueled the intensity of my studies and led me to higher education. I had become aware of the connection between physical health and divine spiritual health being in balance or out of balance. One begets the other, either way. This realization at 15 years old empowered me to drastically change my diet and improve my own health in a meat and potatoes family.
College of the Redwoods
Eureka California
Bill Hagar: Environmental Ethics Professor
Elsa Rubio: Mentor, Yoga teacher and Healer
Iyengar Yoga
Kundalini Yoga
Ayurveda Instructor
Chinese Medicine Pract.
Study Hours: 260
Instructing Hours: 104
I attended the College of the Redwoods during this time. I attended Environmental Ethics courses with Bill Hagar who was the first (in modern-day) and most prominent environmental ethics professors in the country at that time. Environmental Ethics should be called the contemplation and integration of living Yoga. The ethics and theories are Yogic in nature and are a conduit to reaching people who do not understand or accept the science of our environmental issues and the current state of the human condition.
During this time I had broken my back in a work accident. The injury resulted in my losing the ability to walk. My progressive Doctor sent me to Elsa Rubio who used Chinese Medicine, Yoga, and Shiatsu to literally put me back on my feet. I went on to study with Elsa for a little over a year. I attended and assisted her with her Yoga retreats and classes. Elsa is the reason I can walk today and why I am now a Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Yoga teacher/trainer.
Heartwood Inst, Garberville, California
Tai Ji Chan
Qi Gong
Zen Meditation
Iyengar Yoga
Whole Foods Nutrition
900-hour certification course
Attended Yoga classes with Gaina weekly. (Gaina guided me when I had my first big Kundalini rising experience. She coached me through it and helped me stay grounded. The experience lasted for almost a week and forever changed my life. I don’t know where I would be if it wasn't for Gaina.)
Attended Zen meditation every morning and evening (6 days a week) with Paul Pitchford.
Attended Tai Ji Chan and Qi Gong with Paula Pitchford 2-3 days a week.
Additionally, we studied many styles of meditation.
(Heartwood was an immersive experience, like living at an Ashram, out in the mountains, growing our own food, living a Sattvic lifestyle in harmony with the environment.)
Kauai, (Buddha on the mountain)
Eastern Philosophies Studies
Life Coaching Internship
I was very blessed to land a Pottery internship that turned into a Life Coaching/behavioral psychology internship with two Berkley Psycho Therapists who had studied Eastern Philosophies, Yoga, and Meditation practices with Buddhist monks at Berkeley. I lived on the highest point of the island by myself in the jungle with a dog named Trudy. Again I was blessed and had landed a house sitting position and Trudy was my sweetest friend, a golden lab. I lived a vegan lifestyle with little-to-no outside contact other than my pottery instructor and his wife and the occasional tourist who wandered into the studio. For context, the studio was deep in the jungle off an unpaved driveway. My daily routine consisted of meditation for 1-3 hours in the morning, often over a bowl of Quinoa, then vinyasa 1-2 times a day, surfing, biking, swimming, and working at the pottery studio where Dean and Malone used the environment to influence, inspire and lead my spiritual and personal development.
Dean and Malone (in their 60’s at the time) were surrogate parents to me and took me under their tutelage very closely for almost 3 years. We surfed, did yoga, had incredible philosophical debates, read amazing books on Yoga, Buddhism, the Vedanatas, and all roads to spirituality, listened to music, and watched weird foreign films all while working most days in Dean’s pottery studio. To this day, my Life Coach Certification course (Dharma Life Coach Cert course) is based on the teachings of Malone and Dean.
Malone was an intern to Ian Rand and WOW did she have interesting ideas and views. That was an experience!!!
Soma Yoga Studio Newport, Rhode Island
Jivan Mukti
My own studio, Purna Yoga
Hatha Vinyasa
Purna Yoga Studio
(250 hours) 9-month certification course
I moved to Rhode Island and studied Jivan Mukti at Soma Yoga.
I had my own yoga studio at the time - Purna Yoga located in Tiverton RI. For a little over a year, I taught 3-5 classes a day, 6 days a week. Admittedly I was teaching too much at the time.
During the daytime classes I focused on the elderly, veterans and injured students, and did a lot of 1 on 1 yoga. My evening classes were advanced Yoga and so popular you had to RSVP to get a spot.
I also taught at Bristol Community College in Brockton MA twice a week where I was taking Anatomy and Physiology for my yearly CEU requirements.
7 Centers Yoga Arts
(Bijar School of Yoga)
Sedona, AZ
7 Centers Yoga Arts, (Bijar School of Yoga) (250 hours)
1-month intensive (300 hours)
Ruth Hartung and Kathleen Bryant
Studied Advanced Yoga Teacher Training at International Yoga College (7 Centers) (50 hours)
Lead by Hansa Knox, Sraddhasagar & Ginny Beal
Dharma Healing Center
Providence, RI
Bijar school of Yoga classes
Hatha Vinyasa classes
Soft Touch Yoga trainings
Life Coaching Cert.
Meditation Cert level 1 & 2
Intro to Chakras
Advanced Chakras
Intro to Mantra, and Sanskrit
Intro to Crystals
The healing and science of crystals
“What's Your Dharma?”
My next book, coming soon. Revealing your Dharma/Karma and how it really works)
In 2008 I moved back to Rhode Island for personal family reasons and opened the Dharma Healing Center in Providence in May 2008.

I taught Meditation classes, Meditation Certification courses, level 1 and 2, Life Coaching Certification courses, Yoga Classes, Zen Shiatsu, Chinese reflexology classes, and quite a lot more.
Started my book, "What's Your Dharma?". coming in 2021
Waves Wellness Institute
Bristol, RI
Closed the Dharma Healing Center down to rebrand, develop and focus on classes, courses, and holistic education more closely. The mission, “Making Holistic Alternative Healing Arts Common Knowledge and Giving people back the power to their health.”
I opened the Waves Wellness institute in March of 2020... I know. Terrible timing.
In 2020, 2021 I aim to move most of my training and courses online, however, I am looking to preserve the hands-on training style of yoga and meditation as there is no substitute. For now, COVID prevents this.
Scattered throughout the years I have led, attended, and assisted with retreats, yoga trainings, and holistic programs, too many to list. for 25 years, I am a reflective practitioner walking the walk.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
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