Hormones are chemical messengers that influence the way our cells and organs function. There are many different types of hormones in the body and although each has a different function, they are all influenced by another. Hormones are produced, stored and secreted via a network of glands, which make up our endocrine system. They control growth, development, reproduction, metabolism, mood, sleep and digestion.
Hormonal balance is vital to a healthy body and mind but can be disrupted in many ways. Too much stress, a poor diet, ill health, too much exercise, prescription medicines and a toxic overload are some ways that cause a disruption in the level of hormones.
When the body produces too much or little of a certain hormone it is known as hormonal imbalance. Depending on which hormone(s) is involved a woman will experience a range of symptoms including moodiness, weight gain, digestive problems, acne, menstrual irregularities, infertility, headaches, insomnia, breast pain, anxiety, food cravings and loss of libido.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine hormonal balance is closely tied to the concept of Yin and Yang balance. Although Yin and Yang are opposite in nature they depend on one another to function properly. Hormonal balance occurs when Yin and Yang interchange smoothly making room for change and transformation. Just as it is important for estrogen and progesterone to be balanced so too should the Yin – Yang ratio be balanced. If there is too much or too little Yin or Yang in the body, imbalances will occur, which leads to hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance does not happen overnight. It takes time before symptoms become apparent.
The goal of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is to restore balance in the body. Reflexology and herbal medicine are safe and effective forms of treatments, which promote a healthy equilibrium. Reflexology has a regulating effect on the body and herbs have a hormone balancing effect on the body. They both play an important role in regulating the menstrual cycle, balancing emotions and promoting healthy organ function.
Some general recommendations are as follows:
Eat organic foods and hormone free meats where possible, as to eliminate synthetic hormones into your body.
Add more cruciferous vegetables, they contain di-indolymethane (DIM), which helps break down a form of estrogen made in the body called estradiol. Some cruciferous vegetables are cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts and cauliflower to your diet. Too much estradiol in the body can contribute to breast pain, weight gain, moodiness, low libido and breast and uterine cancer. Eliminate caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, try to avoid junk food at all costs.
It is best to take time out to do things you like – hikes, facials, pedicures, foot massage, read a book, meditate.
Zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6 and Vitamin C are helpful.
Jing (essence), which is often known as 3 treasures due to its 3 major energy components, of which 1 is related to hormones. Jing is in charge of keeping your body balanced. Yin is the cooling energy which balances blood and fluids in your body and Yang is the balancing warming energy. In Chinese Medicine Jing is stored in the Kidney. Kidney is one of the organs that is responsible for regulating hormones, it is closely related to the endocrine system. The Kidney system consists of sex glands hypothalamus, pituitary, adrenal and thyroid.
Along with the Kidney, Liver is intimately connected to hormone balance and also responsible for metabolism and emotions. When Liver becomes congested it is no longer able to function properly, i.e. it cannot process hormones efficiently, the body will be in hormonal imbalance. Jing is responsible for nourishing the organs, cells and tissues so when hormones are imbalanced it is because Jing is depleted. Therefore the goal in Chinese Medicine for hormonal imbalance is to restore Jing and balance Yin and Yang.
We here at Waves know that all clients are different, that is why we begin to build a tailored treatment plan after an initial assessment where we touch on health history, lifestyle, and whole body wellness. Allow us to help jumpstart your healing journey today by booking a session with Sandi, our Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner.
*Disclaimer: This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.*
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